overall goal of programThe overall goal of the program is for an intact work group or organization to create a framework and build the skills necessary for implementing a meaningful and substantive performance management process that results in high productivity and no-surprise reviews.
This engagement is designed as an off-shoot of the Coaching for Commitment & Results program for supervisors as this approach is a tool from that program. This may be a standalone service provided, though the most successful implementers of this approach offer their supervisors the skill-building in the Coaching for Commitment & Results program. practical focusThe material is practical in nature, with only a brief amount of time spent on concepts/theories to launch into the topics. Practical means that employees are offered tangible “tools” and approaches that they can begin implementing right away. This unique program offers a straight-forward approach to performance management that emphasizes interaction between supervisors and employees rather than reliance on a report-card type of scoring system. The return on-investment can be priceless as it has the potential to change the culture of a workplace by giving supervisors easy tools to put into practice that empower employees and inspire productivity and retention.
COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZEDEach program is customized to meet the organization's needs so this is definitely NOT an "off the shelf" approach.