We have a three pronged approach with all of the services we offer, which includes skills-building, a mind-set focus and a systems-perspective. We utilize coaching as our primary modality, as coaching is facilitative rather than directive, to tap into the creativity and resourcefulness inherent with each client. All of our services are designed to promote learning, which goes beyond simply informing, as our aim is towards transforming.
Facilitated skills-building
- engages participants from the moment they begin the program
- creates a safe space for participation where each person contributes to the learning
- fosters awareness for participants in a way that they can actually make change happen if they choose
- enables participants to put best practices into action immediately since the “how to” is included
- empowers participants to apply tools in a relevant and customized manner that they fully buy-in to that helps them achieve meaningful results
- offers new alternatives to break old habits that aren’t as effective
reinforcement makes it stick!
By offering brief, yet powerful 1:1 coaching to each individual, participants are able to connect the learning to real challenges and opportunities in their work. Our specially trained coaches are able to ask provocative questions that empower participants to develop meaningful leadership development goals that are directly relevant to their work. Through the coach’s active listening and familiarity with the program, they are able to help each individual shape action steps that, if implemented, will transform how the participant works and relates with others. As a result of the coaching process, each person is able to have support in recognizing and overcoming challenges that they encounter as they implement their learning plan. The capstone to the reinforcement process is a final session where all participants share their experience in implementing their leadership development plan including results achieved and challenges encountered.
cohort-based development
The learning is transformative through a cohort-based approach. Through facilitation rather than lecture, the skilled program leaders unleash the wisdom of participants so they learn from one another. From this shared learning process, the participants create a strong bond that continues on for years. They end up being peer resources for one another, reinforcing best-practices and building relationships that create a very rewarding work environment.
customized programs
We will customize programs for your organization relating to leadership, management, communication, influence without authority, conflict resolution, team dynamics, sales, customer service, change management or any topic area that will help you achieve optimum effectiveness with your talent.
Mind-set Focus
Skills-building alone is not sufficient for change. As humans are one of the many creatures of habit and our neuropathways are well traveled to support such habits, it is difficult to achieve the change we desire by following a linear approach. Fortunately, we utilize various facilitative methods, such as Overcoming Immunity to Change (developed by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey) in both our group work and through 1:1 coaching. Helping clients to identify and adapt taken-for-granted assumptions is one of the most sustainable ways we help them achieve transformation.
We hold a systems perspective, from our work with individuals to our work with entire organizations. It is our philosophy that in order for change to be sustainable, it is essential for our clients to recognize and tap into their interdependencies consciously and deliberately.
Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) has helped us hone our perspective and provides a framework that complements all other aspects of our approach.
Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) has helped us hone our perspective and provides a framework that complements all other aspects of our approach.
Contact us so we may learn about your needs and offer you customized solutions.